
Sevannah Storm
Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy
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- Member Since
Mar 2019
- Gender
- Country
South Africa
- Born
18 October
- Profession
Sevannah's a romantic at heart. Across science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and contemporary genres, you will discover new worlds and lovable characters she's created. Her books are action-packed love stories of alpha men meeting stubborn women and finding happily ever after.
Married to a hippo-whisperer and the force-is-with-him, she, a live-long-and-prosper, manages to navigate her world with humor and passion. With two full-grown children, a labrador, a pug, and a kitten named Peanut, her life is filled with chaos and merriment in the center of South Africa. And yes, the weather is sunny and hot.
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